WMRCD Portable Bridge mat cost share

In partnership with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service, the Western Maryland Resources Conservation and Development Council (WMRC&D) has announced the opening of their 2025 Portable Bridge Mat Cost Share Program. This program is an opportunity for participating logging businesses in Maryland and Delaware to purchase portable hardwood timber bridge mats at a discount of 80% to 95% off retail pricing. 

Those logging businesses that maintain a good standing status within the Maryland/Deleware Master Logger Program receive the highest discount. A 95% discount on bridge mats will be offered to participating Master Loggers and an 80% discount will be offered to all other participating logging businesses.

Participating businesses will be eligible to apply for up to 3 mats, while supplies last. Eligible program applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.  Interested businesses are encouraged to apply early as it is expected that demand will exceed supply.

To be eligible for participation, logging businesses must be currently licensed Forst Product Operators located in Maryland or Delaware and must agree to the following conditions as program participants:

  1. Participants shall not resell the mats
  2. Participants shall use them
  3. Participants shall properly install them and promptly remove them
  4. Participants shall provide usage data that, among other information, describes how the crossing/work would have otherwise been accomplished without the bridge mats.

Eligible logging businesses who would like to apply for the program should complete and sign the Application Form and Waiver Form and return them by April 7, 2025, via email to Amanda Kirby at akirby@wmrcd.org

For questions regarding the application, please contact Amanda Kirby.

For questions regarding the specifications of the bridge mats or about arranging cost share payment and pickup of the bridge mats, you should contact Easton Timber and Mat. Their contact information is Michelle Ervin, Eastern Timber and Mat, LLC, 410-822-5476. michelle@eastontimberandmat.com

This program is provided with funding from the US Forest Service in order to advance the utilization of locally-sourced bridge mats on timber harvest sites throughout Maryland and Delaware.

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